Chicago’s Best MBA Program

Northwestern university's Kellogg School of management has been declared as the No: 1 for the third consecutive year on the Crain's ranking of MBA programs, chasing the University of Chicago Graduate school of Business as the best MBA program. The Kellstadt Graduate School of business has been ranked third at the DePaul University.

The ranking is based on the alumni from the school of business and the corporate recruiters who hire them. Seven other MBA programs which are accredited to the Assn. to the advance collegiate schools of business were included in the ranking and the six other executive programs have been included. As far as the overall ranking is considered the University of Illinois at Chicago progressed to two spots ahead as against the last year.

The alumni and the recruiters took part in the survey which answered on questions like how was the MBA hiring climate and what was the procedure of choosing the MBA hiring climate and on what basis did the students choose the MBA programs.

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