Importance of Work experience:

Via research it is been stated that one understands and achieve more knowledge when he/she interacts with people from different backgrounds. A MBA class with different set of students of varying backgrounds with reliable work-experience is surely benefiting. Work-experienced candidates is required by almost all top level B schools to achieve the standards of the course. Group discussions, group assignments requires team work which a necessary work experienced candidate has. In a MBA class work-experience from different back ground can also make candidates interact with necessary cultural diversity. Having a good work experience gives you an edge over the competition for admission. Even average work experience is appreciated at times. But surely work-experience is mandatory for admissions in top B-schools of world. Majority of the UK B schools requires candidates with work experience and US too. But US B schools don't make it that strict policy unless you have any special achievements to show (for example; terrific achievements in the field of sports, military, or community service; or outstanding leadership experience). If you have any such, you could give it a try or wait for some years, work and get yourself admitted in the top B schools.

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