GMAT essays: Are you lacking endurance?

GMAT essays are discerned as the least important in the evaluation pattern. We think that, they aren't going to make any potential differences in the scores and don't contribute much towards the admissions. But hold on for a minute. You cannot leave them aside without caring at all.   Understand the reason why there are these essays? Not just to bother you, but also for a much higher reason. Guess why the business schools in US have a write-up for the foreign students when they come for admissions? Mastery of English is a must for MBA students as communications worldwide is widely possible only by this lingua franca. Though English being a native language, why do most of US students approach professionals for some write-ups? This clearly shows that writing ability also stands different from the other abilities. Now do you understand why essays are important? Always a question peeps into our minds - Who will evaluate these many essays? People, these essays are not for formalities sake, but a serious issue for which CEOs of many companies and their teams are hired to evaluate. Not only this. Programmed computers assess you after these professionals. That also means another important thing to be considered. No one is prepared to read your unique pieces and the computer neither. So write important and common points in your unique 'style' of writing. That will help.


With so much of hype about the essays, we would also tell you that these are the easiest part which you shouldn't be worrying at all. Sounds overpowering? In a way yes it is. As told already, Jot down the important and common points in your own style. It is easy.

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